Within a few weeks of one another, the Pacific Northwest finds itself graced annually with two significant events adhering to very different festival models: MusicFestNW and Bumbershoot Festival. Running since 1995 in Portland and 1971 in Seattle...
In this slow-moving dream world, long-time collaborators Kahlil Joseph and Shabazz Palaces focus their eyes on a number of figures inhabiting different spaces: a blue-faced boy sitting on a beach; a figure scampering across a dark room; a strong...
A big thanks to everyone who came out to Holocene for our second installment of Intuitive Navigation, an interdisciplinary night of sights and sounds, this time with a focus on DANCE! We paired every musical act with a visual artist and invited...
Get your heads spinning with these tracks from Brazil’s girl-pop-rap group, Pearls Negras, who have a new Biggie Apple mixtape out now for your consumable pleasure. Somehow the nitty-gritty of these jams, their harsh Portuguese delivery, and...
Every year, we interview a number of musicians and artists for the intimate details and philosophical underpinnings of their album cover artwork. It’s an ever-massive undertaking, but we make sure to include ever genre, from doom metal to disco...
To pay proper homage to the musical grandness of 2013 and to usher in the new year 2014, we've once again decided to call upon our tastemaker friends to compile their favorite up-and-comers throughout the Pacific Northwest. Here, Gina Altamura and...
As the Northern Hemisphere goes full blast into the wintry days, those in the Southern Hemisphere are in for hotter and sweatier times, perfect for feel-good sounds that scream of sunshine and socialization more than darkness and hermitude. After...
Out with the old, no matter how good it is! Here’s our comprehensive list of Top Albums of the Year 2013, schizophrenic as always to reflect the diverse tastes of our staff, though there is some overlap. It’s highly recommended you check out every...