Nothing But the Sun (2020), a searing documentary from Paraguayan-Swiss filmmaker Arami Ullón, explores the plight of the Ayoreo, an Indigenous group living with the aftermath of colonization. Translated from its Spanish title, Apenas el Sol, the...
REDEFINE’s annual Album Covers of the Year feature consolidates interviews from artists and musicians to highlight philosophical, thematic, and conceptual significance of great album cover artwork spanning a wide range of visual and sonic...
With luminous rainbow tones, the music video for Matt Evans‘ recent track, “Firn,” draws its name from a geologic term defining the “liminal striation between glacial ice and snow.” Crafted in VR by visual artist...
Nous Alpha – “For Hollow” Music Video directed by Paola Oloa When curating music videos for their forthcoming album, Walk in the Woods, the musical duo Nous Alpha drew on the artistic expertise of four artists who had previously...
Stitching together “sparkles of ideas,” musician Nandi Rose aka Half Waif and director Kenna Hynes turned one-off creative visions into a four-part video series full of ambitious sequences. Proving their “magical and...
It’s an unassuming video. Just 17 minutes in length and made up of exactly what it’s title promises, Stack Until it Falls Down is redundant, slow, and rather dull. It’s also hypnotic, soothing, and exactly the meditation we all need right now. Born...
When Moroni Benally signs the paperwork to run for Navajo Nation president, he giggles. Moroni For President, a charming documentary profile of his 2014 campaign, captures the high stakes of the race to become the leader of the Navajo Nation, the...
"Capitalism drove our expansion westward, leaving an enormous human and environmental cost in its wake. However, the myths surrounding our settling of the west will have you believe something totally different, entwining these events with American...