With an emphasis on the magic of transformation, Symbiosis Gathering 2013 provided an enchanted space of bio-psycho-spiritual healing, environmental and sociocultural conscious learning, and a unique source of musical inspiration. Among the many...
"Samson and Delilah is a story about strength and weakness. It's about the pendulum between the two. The story for me conjured up the idea of empowerment and fragility. When Samson was deceived by his love and was in the wilderness discovering and...
The Carbon Manual's When I Am Memory seems to be an album whose words are wrought from stories, both personal and real, that have been consciously examined and unconsciously ejaculated. Reflected upon, but fresh in intent and execution, these words...
MP3 premiere of the remix for Little Boots' "Crescendo", by DFA's Larry Gus. Win tickets to see Little Boots live in Seattle and Portland this week!
After their Earth Tour of 45 countries in 90 days, you might think the members of Horse the Band would loathe each other to the point of disbanding. After such a frenetic pace of travel, the close quarters of their interactions, and the meager...
Producer Matthew Barnes' first full-length on Tri Angle Records, Engravings, takes airy vocal samples and spaghetti western guitars and stretches them out over an expansive skyline, evoking an aerial view of monochrome industrial landscapes and...
Spectral Hypnosis is a recurring series, featuring mesmerizing songs for one to lose sense of time and space, mind and body. This post blurs through the ins-and-outs of electronic psych, with and without vocals, courtesy of Dustin Wong, Camp...
“Pop music shouldn’t always get a bad rap,” says Top Pops!, a recurring selection of indie pop highlights across a selection of styles, updated every month to keep you on your dancing toes. This month, we rope in a lot of notable artists with new...