On City of Mirrors, the fourth full-length record from Chicago’s Dos Santos, the five-piece band once again showcases their musical expertise by presenting a rich, multicultural melting pot of sounds. Coming from wide-ranging diasporic...
Ramona Gonzalez, better known to many by the moniker Nite Jewel, hasn’t always allowed the public into her private life. The influential Los Angeles-based electronic pop musician may have been releasing records on her own since 2008, but it is...
Throughout Deantoni Parks’ 20-plus-year career as a prolific, experimental drummer and record producer, he has collaborated with luminaries such as Flying Lotus, Sade, and more deeply with the Velvet Underground’s John Cale and Mars Volta’s Omar...
With the 24-minute narrative short film, Matter of Time, Seattle-based production company swimteam join forces with hip-hop musician T.J. Bell, aka Campana, to create their most ambitious collaboration to date. Matter of Time follows a young Black...
Written and compiled by Brooklyn-based artist, sound healing therapist, and meditation teacher Lavender Suarez, Transcendent Waves is a delightfully experimental new book which pays homage to the creative power of deep listening and the potential...
We’ve finally made it to the bitter end of 2020, and believe it or not, human beings are still making amazing art in the midst of crisis and a pandemic. After a five-year hiatus, our Album Covers of the Year feature is back with a deep dive of...
For the past year, I have had a series of insightful conversations with Los Angeles-based visual artist and poet Emmanuel Whyte about art practice, travel as study, and about a series of his paintings. Most recently, about a series of paintings in...
Music preservation efforts go beyond strictly archival functions. They challenge our understanding of certain genres that have been historically associated with just a few major cities. For individual musicians who have never profited from their...