In an extensive tale of musical catharsis, Indonesian singer-songwriter GANGGA aka Gangga Kusuma, has collaborated with film director Ivan Saputra Alam of Athea Visuals on a four-part music video series designed to illustrate the ups and downs of a...
Early on in What We Left Unfinished, a new documentary from filmmaker and visual artist Mariam Ghani, a man in jeans and aviators strides towards a burning tank in the desert and throws a ruthless punch at the man who set off the explosion...
In a powerhouse collaboration between Portland musician Dolphin Midwives and interdisciplinary visual artist aesthetic.stalemate, the music video for “Break” comes from Fisher’s forthcoming record, Body of Water, which explores...
Stitching together “sparkles of ideas,” musician Nandi Rose aka Half Waif and director Kenna Hynes turned one-off creative visions into a four-part video series full of ambitious sequences. Proving their “magical and...
By the time I enter the spacious warehouse in Red Hook, Brooklyn, Danish-Kenyan movement artist Phyllis Akinyi has already begun her performance. I hear her before I see her. A repeating loop plays overhead, with an off-kilter rhythm and the...
A heavy cut of fresh meat hangs suspended over the abdomen, the artist’s own body bare against the blue cold of a wall. Her abrupt movements cause ripples in the flesh of the meat. From where the viewer sits, the female body, nearly...
Emerging from Grand Soleil‘s aptly titled 2021 album, Human Error, the music video for “Round Round Round” uses raises ecological consciousness through a dreamy sci-fi frame. The music video is a work of art which personifies the...
In the music video for “All the Unknown” from instrumental Turkish-German and Swiss duo Grandbrothers, the band’s long-time collaborator Manfred Borsch captures the track’s delightfully melodramatic moods through one...