Outside Lands is one of the top summer music festivals on the West Coast, hosted amongst the greenery of Golden Gate Park in San Francisco and selling out annually. While headliners like Kanye West, Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, and The Killers...
"We're a young company going about the music industry in what we think is the standard way, but it turns out we've been doing it pretty differently. There's no ethos or philosophy, per se. We're not looking for our label to be the topic of a...
"It's all about how to live and love and die right, in a world that makes these things so difficult." - Tom Krell, on the What Is This Heart? music video trilogy
Although bands like Nickel Creek, The Barr Brothers, Shakey Graves and Della Mae hearkened back to the Pickathon Festival's old style, a surprisingly rock-heavy lineup was the face of the festival's 2014 version. Bands like The War on Drugs...
Top indie pop tracks by Bondax, Yawn, Generationals, Wet, AERS, Verite, and Lemonade.
2014 marks the sixth year of Northside Festival, which is a three-day barrage of shows, both free and pay, across Brooklyn venues. On an annual basis, Northside does a nice job of including a range of up-and-coming bands across all genres in...
Heavily inspired by an extended trip to Berlin, Candide is the duo of Candice Strongwater and Adam Brodsky, who imported the city’s European sounds to their home in Brooklyn, creating a brand of dark and sultry disco that is equally inspired...
"My collaboration with [Oliver] Chanarin began with a love of didactic images: images that explain things; how to resuscitate a dying man, or put a chain on your chihuahua, or fall over without hurting yourself. These are images made with a certain...