In the animated music video for “Isekai (Accidental Spirals),” a hypothetical date goes so wrong that one of its participants would rather disengage from reality and fall into an alternate space-time altogether. Featuring music by...
Over the course of sixteen eye-popping minutes, the music video for “Self Help,” a recently released track by Portland electronic musician Avola, takes viewers on a tripped out textural journey through a 3D-animated multiverse. Animated...
As Dallas musician Nicole Marxen details in the press release for her self-released debut EP, Tether, “I used to think that my life wasn’t worth writing about… I hid behind the characters I created, the haven of the stage, the...
With his latest music video for “Black Hole,” musician and filmmaker Augustin Adjanohoun, aka Kirab’o, unifies space, nature, humanity, and technology in a dance-ready universe. Utilizing a bevy of editing and motion graphics...
With the COVID-19 pandemic has come many emotions, not least of which is grief. Grief in the sense of loneliness, loss, and confusion; grief in the sense of isolation. In her stop-motion music video for “Anhedonia,” Brooklyn-based artist Cressa Beer...
Emerging from Grand Soleil‘s aptly titled 2021 album, Human Error, the music video for “Round Round Round” uses raises ecological consciousness through a dreamy sci-fi frame. The music video is a work of art which personifies the...
In the music video for “All the Unknown” from instrumental Turkish-German and Swiss duo Grandbrothers, the band’s long-time collaborator Manfred Borsch captures the track’s delightfully melodramatic moods through one...
Photograph by Abe Mora Lightswitch, the six-track EP from New Zealand-based Persian rapper, CHAII, draws upon her visual art background and comes paired with six highly-stylized music videos that span continents. Including a three-part series shot...