Building off a longstanding friendship, Portland-based queer, nonbinary musician Jan Julius and Baltimore-based animator Nick McKernan explore their second collaboration together with the textural, collage-heavy music video for “Manor Holes...
With the 24-minute narrative short film, Matter of Time, Seattle-based production company swimteam join forces with hip-hop musician T.J. Bell, aka Campana, to create their most ambitious collaboration to date. Matter of Time follows a young Black...
In Los Angeles-based musician Patrick Shiroishi‘s latest music video for “To Kill a Wind-Up Bird,” excitable free jazz comes face-to-wrinkly-puppet-face with a Looney Tunes-inspired experiment, which sets skronking sounds to...
With luminous rainbow tones, the music video for Matt Evans‘ recent track, “Firn,” draws its name from a geologic term defining the “liminal striation between glacial ice and snow.” Crafted in VR by visual artist...
In a powerhouse collaboration between Portland musician Dolphin Midwives and interdisciplinary visual artist aesthetic.stalemate, the music video for “Break” comes from Fisher’s forthcoming record, Body of Water, which explores...
Sunny in its disposition and rich in primary colors, s.e.c.r.e.t.s.’ music video for “toki” combines fashion, dance, and creative video editing into a playful swirl of distortion. Featuring dancer and fashion designer Ryan Boyle as...
Stitching together “sparkles of ideas,” musician Nandi Rose aka Half Waif and director Kenna Hynes turned one-off creative visions into a four-part video series full of ambitious sequences. Proving their “magical and...
Shot on a secret location in Colima, Mexico, the music video for “Dreamz” by Portland band Night Heron draws inspiration from the natural world to create a lush and colorful dreamscape. Citing mythologically-minded scholar Joseph...